How Should I Engage with an Atheist?
So what is the best way to engage with an atheist? We may not like or appreciate what they say and it can be hard to sit through without our emotions…..
So what is the best way to engage with an atheist? We may not like or appreciate what they say and it can be hard to sit through without our emotions…..
To recognize the real suffering and hard task Prophet Noah experienced during his call and mission to his people, it is necessary to study his very words through the actual dialogue with his people
Moses (peace be upon him) whose description has been given in Surat Al-Qasas in detail and in some other chapters in brief, was enjoined with the task of ‘inviting’ the people to the way of Allah and, in addition, the liberation of Bani Isra’il. The Strivings of the Powers of Faith and Heart Both these […]
Man’s worship of God is not automatic like the vast majority of created beings but his own choice and effort. What is the purpose of that worship?
His people paint a picture of a narrow-minded people who seem bent on not giving the words of Noah any chance to sink into their minds.
Moses did not digress from conveying the truth and he did not give up the initiative which was in his hands but he reverted immediately to the main subject.
At the end, Allah blessed Noah and all the people who were aboard the ark also their posterity except the disbelievers. What lessons do we learn from Noah’s story?
Da`wah is one of the best good deeds in the sight of Allah. How is it important to use the latest techniques in conveying the message of Islam?
There’re rough & smooth times make up the story of life. You have no control over it. What you can aim to do is influence your thoughts, and build a positive mindset.
How does Islam see other prophets of God? Do we have to believe in all of them? Why do we have special love and reverence for some of them? What about Jesus?