11 Reasons to Explore Islam
Every tenet in Islam is subject to analysis and contention. No other religion is willing to subject its basic fundamentals of faith to such questioning.
Every tenet in Islam is subject to analysis and contention. No other religion is willing to subject its basic fundamentals of faith to such questioning.
In the video below Dr. Jamal Badawi reflects on some Qur’anic verses commonly misunderstood when interpreted out of their context and what they truly mean …
“The new born website aspires to be a unique and reliable source of information about the truth of creation, Allah the Creator, and the purpose of life, providing Qur’anic and scientific signs and rational proofs”, Dr. Al-Ajeel …
What duties do we, creatures, owe to God? What are the requirements of being Muslim? What sense do they have to man? What are their benefits?