Calling to God is not a random act. So, how well do you fulfill this great responsibility? Whether a student of knowledge, da`i, or a scholar there’re things you have to keep my eyes on while conveying the message of God…
To be aware of your own shortcomings and weak areas and striving to work on them, and respect others’ as well is simply what you need to efficiently fulfill your responsibility towards Islam.
How are we related to Islam and its true teachings? How can we create harmony between what our religion calls for and what we are practicing on the ground? How do we fill that gap?
Have you ever thought about your pose or the way you look at somebody before starting a conversation with them about Islam? How do you prepare yourself to carry such a conversation?
Starting up a conversation with a non-Muslim about your religion is no way easy. So, how do I start off an effective da`wah conversation, reach others in an appropriate way?
Should winning any argument be part of your da`wah strategy? How often do you find yourself or others stuck in a win/lose conversation? How do you get out of an argument?