Do We Always Need a Table for Da`wah?
What does a Muslim need to invite others to way of God and who should they invite? What type of a Muslim are you? At first, are you eligible for the religion?
What does a Muslim need to invite others to way of God and who should they invite? What type of a Muslim are you? At first, are you eligible for the religion?
We communicate with each other on daily basis, and following Prophet Muhammad’s way of communication puts us on track on how to effectively get in touch with others. Read on for the recipe…
What part did the Qur’an played in correcting Muslims’ mistakes and admonishing behavior at the time of revelation? How did it take aim at instilling morals and improving behavioral norms?
Before reaching out and giving advice to others or correcting their mistakes there’s something just as important as the good deed itself, even very critical. Read more to learn about it…
Based on his knowledge of human nature which is subject to ignorance, negligence, shortcomings, whims, desires and forgetfulness, how should one deal with those making mistakes?
We have to make a distinction between one who errs out of ignorance and one who errs despite his knowledge.
We need to make a distinction between mistakes stemming from an honest effort to find out what is right (ijtihad), and mistakes done deliberately, out of negligence or because of shortcomings.
As the Prophet’s methods in dealing with people’s mistakes are wiser and more efficacious, using his approach is the best way to get people to respond positively.