Practicing Islam Is a Form of Da`wah
Actions speak louder than words. Your good actions is a one of the most fruitful means of da`wah. Listen to the story of one the Sheikhs who practiced da`wah on a plane.
Actions speak louder than words. Your good actions is a one of the most fruitful means of da`wah. Listen to the story of one the Sheikhs who practiced da`wah on a plane.
What is a Muslim supposed to do with their non-religious parents? Our advice falls on deaf ears, our constant reminders fail, our actions do not guide them.
Some tips and characteristics of the person giving Dawah to non Muslims than have made muslims more successful in non muslims receiving the message.
When you find yourself in a situation, you have to read that situation in a way similar to the way you read a book.
The individual who as accepted the duty of calling others to Allah must possess certain characteristics to effectively convey the message. These attributes are mentioned in the Qur’an and Sunnah
After reading the situation carefully and correctly, you must now choose the subject. What are you going to talk about?