Concept of Friendship in Islam

 Truth Seeker Staff

Friendship in Islam

A friendship that is made for the sake of wealth, position, beauty and such things will disappear automatically when those factors come to an end.

Human Beings in all phases of life, from the very beginning of childhood and youth, old age till his death, are in need of friendship and association with others. Owing to his social nature, man is compelled to live in society and with other individuals. And most of our lives depend on interaction with others.

Friendship is such a beautiful gift. A friend in need is a friend indeed after all. A friend is a very important person in one’s life. Those who have worthy friends are never lonely and friendless in the world since in joy and sorrow, their true friends help and support them. Naturally, a human being feels happy at the companionship of friends, and is sad at being lonely and distress and having no worthy companions.

Islam has placed tremendous importance on the aspect of sociability and friendship. This sense of companionship holds a lot of significance in any relationship.

Today, we see intense disputes and altercations arising even between parents and children and as well as among siblings. This is chiefly due to the fact that, though their relationship is marked with blood ties, the all-important sentiments of fellowship and friendship are sorely missing. Our experience will tell us that friendship often takes precedence over blood relations. Man tends to heed his friends more than his relatives. He trusts his companions more than his own kin. The youth today, confide in their friends while being discreet with their parents.

Islam is in complete harmony with man’s nature. Hence, it has dealt with this topic of friendship in detail.

For us Muslims, who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority, the issue of choosing the right companions is essential for preserving our religion (Deen). Befriending righteous and virtuous Muslims is an essential means for staying on the Straight Path. Strong individuals are the core of a strong community, something that Muslims should always strive for.

We all know that Allah (SWT), the Most High has brought us to life in order to test us. Thus we are here for a relatively short period of time and that we shall meet Allah (SWT) one Day, so we need to use our present life for what is best for us in the Hereafter. Once we know our purpose and our goal in life, we should seek ways to achieve them so as to benefit our own selves.

The point to which the scholars of Islam pay great attention in connection with friends is that it may be considered worthy only if it is fostered for the sake of Allah (SWT), and a reliable friend is the one whose friendship is based on spirituality. To choose someone for friendship purely on the basis of his piety and faith, only to satisfy Allah (SWT) is akin to earmarking a place in Paradise.

This was one facet of friendship. Now let us look at the flip side. A friendship that is made for the sake of wealth, position, beauty and such things will disappear automatically when those factors come to an end. No material thing can act as the basis of a lasting friendship or produce happiness.

Many people establish their bonds of friendship and enmity based on the gain they are likely to accrue on a personal level. That is, if a person has some utility, he qualifies as a friend, else he is an enemy. However, that should never be the benchmark for Muslims.

Another point to which Islam attaches much importance is the choice of a friend. From the viewpoint of Muslim scholars, one should not make friends with each and every individual, since there are some persons whose friendship is harmful and dangerous. Without any doubt, every friend affects the material and spiritual affairs of his own companion, and each of them unconsciously influences the ideas, morals, and conduct of the other.

Friends are no means only a means for ‘time-pass’ or entertainment. Indeed friendship is more profound than that. Friendship and companionship are inseparable aspects of an individual’s life. Experience has shown, too, that many friendships have changed the destiny of individuals and their course of life. Friends influence each other’s ways, faith, and religion. That is why while Islam has emphasized the importance of friendship, it has also stressed on the qualities that a friend should necessarily possess. It has clearly demarcated who is worthy of friendship and who is not.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said: “Man is influenced the faith of his friends. Therefore, be careful of whom you associate with.” And at another place Prophet Muhammad (saw) has said: “A person is likely to follow the faith (Iman) of his friend, so look whom you befriend.”

Prophet Muhammad (saw) who has the noblest character and dealings with fellow humans gave us a very clear and simple message and advice in regard to friendship.

Friendship with worthy individuals is a great factor of happiness, and friendship and companionship with impure and polluted fellows are a cause of decline and distress.

Some people are so confident of their own purity and nobility; they imagine that they will not be subject to any harm in their association with wicked persons. They consider their personality as strong enough not to be influenced vices. However, they forget that cotton wool gets aflame proximity to fire, and glass breaks when it comes in contact with stones. Unfortunately, corruption and impurity can very quickly affect the human spirit, and easily make it catch fire like gunpowder, and burn the entire world with their flame.

Supposing you are so dignified and noble that you aren’t influenced the wicked persons you associate with. What will people say about you? Will they not consider you as one of the rabbles when you associate with them?

One of the Hadiths says as: “Don’t judge anyone’s goodness or badness until you see his friend, since a person is recognized his likes and companions, and is related to his friends.”

It would be impossible not to be affected deeply in our character association with those around us, since man is nature, an imitator, and everyone is more or less influenced the conduct, manners, and ideas of friends and companions.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: “Man imitates his friends. Hence, you must consider them whom you want to befriend.”

Association with biased and selfish people produces great losses since the effect of their character leads to the obscurity and limitation of thought, and to the death of the spirit of manliness and noble qualities. In association with them continues for a long time, the heart becomes heavy and hardened, moral powers are weakened, and willpower, sense of progress and excelling are destroyed in man. On the contrary, friendship and contact with those who are wiser, more experienced than us, are very valuable since their association breathes a new spirit into us, teaches us a better way of life, and reforms our views about the attitude towards others. It appears as if they make us share their wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

Thus, for building up morality nothing is more useful and effective than association with learned and active individuals, since such contact enhances our mental powers, adds to our willpower, sublimate to our objective in the world, and prepares us for managing our own affairs and assisting others.


Adapted from a Facebook post with major editorial modifications to suit the style and purposes of Truth Seeker website.


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