The Arabian Peninsula’s Climate

From the miracles of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, is that the Arabian Peninsula was once a lush green land full of trees and rivers. Prophet Muhammad said, “The Last Hour will not come… till the land of Arabia once again becomes meadows and rivers.”

Living in Unsanitary Conditions

The primitive rationale, making to survive the ultimate goal of life, causes its members to drift into a disorganized lifestyle. One of the grounds of this mentality is to have more time to take pleasure from life. This goal, manifesting itself in common phrases like to make the most of life or to savor the moment, is eagerly promoted and encouraged, as being the contemporary lifestyle.

Muslim Civilization is the Source of European Renaissance

Science is the most momentous contribution of Arab civilization to the modern world; but its fruits were slow in ripening. Not until long after Moorish culture had sunk back into darkness, did the giant, which it had given birth to, rise in his might. It was not science only, which brought Europe back to life. Other and manifold influences from the civilization of Islam communicated its first glow to European life

Prophet Muhammad: The World’s Best Teacher

As we have progressed from toddler to adult, there have been countless teachers along the way who helped us on our journey to adulthood and even beyond. The high school math teacher who helped you to perfect your Algebra or the college professor that taught you the spirit of debate, the very fabric of our being is heavily influenced by teachers who guided us in our educational journeys.