Zipping and Unzipping Files in Windows 8
What are Zip files? Why and when do we need to use Zip? What does it provide? How do we use it?
What are Zip files? Why and when do we need to use Zip? What does it provide? How do we use it?
Have you ever needed to convert an MP3 to MP4? Through these steps you are going to learn how.
Do you see spirituality and productivity a hard-to-reach combination? How do they go together? Learn how the Prophet got that balance in daily life…
We communicate with each other on daily basis, and following Prophet Muhammad’s way of communication puts us on track on how to effectively get in touch with others. Read on for the recipe…
What part did the Qur’an played in correcting Muslims’ mistakes and admonishing behavior at the time of revelation? How did it take aim at instilling morals and improving behavioral norms?
Before reaching out and giving advice to others or correcting their mistakes there’s something just as important as the good deed itself, even very critical. Read more to learn about it…